Kaima Kabere
Meriam Nation (Murray Island), Dauareb Tribe
Able Seaman
Combat Systems Operator
Wharf Operations Team 1-4
HMAS Coonawarra
Royal Australian Navy

Australian Defence Medal


I’m a proud Meriam koskir (lady) from Murray Island in the Eastern parts of the Torres Strait. I grew up on the island until my teenage years, when my family decided to relocate to Cairns. I am the eldest of 6 children and aunty to 3 handsome nephews and 4 beautiful nieces. The reason I joined is quite funny because after watching a movie I was so inspired by the role the female character played as a Combat System Operator that I actually decided to apply for the same position. I joined the Royal Australian Navy in 2017 and am still serving to this day. It was challenging for me as it was way out of my comfort zone, but I pushed myself to the fullest and achieved whatever goals I set out. I wanted to prove to myself and to everyone who has ever doubted me that I can achieve anything in life if I put my mind to it. I also joined to inspire my younger siblings and youths in my community that there’s a whole world waiting to be explored, Island will always be there. I have served on HMAS Toowoomba and HMAS Ballarat. I got to visit different countries during deployments and got to experience different cultural lifestyles. I always encourage everyone to go above and beyond and always remember where you come from. Life is a challenge with many obstacles; take on each obstacle with pride, and you’ll be surprised by your success and achievements in the end. Be the person someone will look up to and say, “I want to be just like you”.