Adam Edward Elliott
Gubbi Gubbi
Seaman Marine Technician
Royal Australian Navy
Completed 2 years service and intends to rejoin

I am a Murri man and Gubbi Gubbi descendant. I was raised in a Koori community and grew up in Woddi Woddi and Wandandian country on the southeast coast of NSW. Growing up in such a beautiful place with an abundance of mountains, rivers, and beaches has fueled my passion for the great outdoors and my craving for adventure.

It was my love for my country, its natural beauty, and my sense of adventure that led me to join the Royal Australian Navy at the early age of 17 years old, so I might be able to defend and preserve this country’s beauty for future generations.

I served for a couple of years in the Navy and thoroughly enjoyed every bit of my time in the service. Navy supported me with an optional discharge to offer family support following COVID. It is my intention to rejoin again in the near future. Until then, I have been fortunate enough to gain employment and experience with Kangaroo Valley Adventure Training and also to work with Uncle Col Watego as a team leader and Aboriginal Mental Health First Aider with TRYP (To Reach Your Potential) Consultancy, providing Indigenous youths pathways and values, through workshops and bootcamp experiences. Navy is an amazing place where anyone who enlists can learn a trade, make lifelong friendships, live healthier lives, and represent their country and culture to the world. I am proud of the service I have already achieved.