Jacob Belford Lui
Heritage is ERUB / Darnley Island. Eastern
Torres Strait
Served RAN Royal Australian Navy 1979-1990LSMTP , Leading Seamen MTP.
Australian Naval Cadets
Sub-Lieutenant . 2022-2024

Australian Defence Medal

I was born on the 5th day of May on Thursday Island in the year 1962. My cultural upbringing is of Torres Strait heritage. Since I was around 12 years old after listening to my father, grandfather, and uncles talk of stories of the sea surrounding our home and islands in the Torres Strait. I dreamed of life in the future of telling my stories of a yearning for the same sea and ocean to take me away and bring me home. The Royal Australian Navy was the next logical step in my life following our other indigenous Service men and women, my uncles who served in the navy before I enlisted.

On joining the Naval Service , I did not realise that my life would wholesomely change to now after serving 10 years then on elective discharge and years after, understand what this brotherhood and family I had within the serviceĀ I will forever be honoured and grateful to have known and served with others, and continue to remember them. From my first ship 1980, HMAS MELBOURNE, Aircraft carrier, she was a very majestic ship, then postings to the high speed patrol boats 1990, that I finished my time on. The sense of character, achievement, and mate ship, I have derived from my service in the Navy will stay with me until the end of time.

My return now in my later years to Thursday Island , as seen in my self as coming to Country, as such to come full circle in my life. I am involved in community groups such as TS CARPENTARIA, Thursday Island Naval Cadets. Sporting and cultural groups participating in events and growth in our area.

Having served I realise for the continuation of the Naval Service creed others must serve. And we must welcome them as its their time to shine.

Always Navy.