Jade Delaporte
Noongar – Mob unsure, still on my journey..
Leading Seaman
Royal Australian Navy

Medals and Awards
Australian Active Service Medal with Clasp ICAT
Afghanistan Medal
Australian Operational Service Medal – Border Protection
Defence Long Service Medal
Australian Defence Medal
Operational Service Badge – Military
Returned From Active Service Badge


Born and raised in Redcliff Queensland, I joined the Royal Australian Navy in September 2004 and commenced training as a Seaman Cook in January 2005. After completion of my initial training, I was posted on various RAN vessels including MFU – Anzac / Adelaide Class & Minehunter. In 2006 I was promoted to Able Seaman and commissioned Perth from NU-SHIP to HMAS. This was a busy and challenging period, learning what it means to be a RAN chef at sea during various exercises and deployments. I was proud to be a part of this ship’s catering team, which won the Silver Platter Award in 2007.

In 2009 and 2011 I deployed to the MEAO (Middle East Area of Operations) in Warramunga and Toowoomba and gained a lot of operational experience and skills in Catering and Logistics in two different ranks. On these deployments, I was a member of the SSFEP (Standing Sea Fire and Emergency Party), Flight Deck Team and volunteered for a multitude of roles outside of my positional responsibilities.

After my posting on Toowoomba, I was promoted to Leading Seaman and offered the opportunity to undertake the role of Catering I/C of the Wardroom & Senior Sailors mess which quickly became the Combined Mess for officers and Senior Sailors at HMAS Stirling. I successfully undertook this challenging role, which was above my rank, with the support of limited staff without hesitation. This was a very rewarding career highlight.

I wanted to express my gratitude to ADF and in 2015 I successfully applied to become a DFR Careers Councillor at the Melbourne Centre, which is one of the top three recruitment centres in the country. Over the following two years, I was able to share my knowledge and experiences while gaining additional communication skills, not only at the centre but at events held at schools and public forums. It felt very rewarding to be able to give back in this way.

I decommissioned HMAS Newcastle in 2019 with the last deployment being IPE 19. Then I cross-decked onto HMAS Yarra, minehunter class, where I gained a lot of experience and skills working with a much smaller complement of crew. My knowledge and understanding of the mechanisms of a catering department were extended further by being the ‘Logistics Officer, Senior Catering Sailor and  Leading Seaman chef’ and mentor to the various Seaman and Able Seaman chefs joining on board. I often attended, Regulator, Operational and Command meetings/briefs, for taskings along the eastern seaboard.

I also enjoy being involved in catering activities outside of Defence, such as the Women’s Breast Cancer Foundation Luncheons and the 2009 Perth Mussel Fest where I was a runner-up.  Being featured in an article in Navy News or participating in other maritime events has enabled me to showcase my fine food skills whilst representing the ADF & Navy.

Only really learning about my heritage as a Noongar man south-west region of Western Australia in my mid-life, I am still on my journey to understanding about my people and culture. But through family, this knowledge has been onto me. My life outside Defence includes outdoor activities, sports of all varieties, my 1966 Cadillac Coupe, Indigenous Culture (especially language & dot painting), comedy, sewing, UAP/USP information/discussions, travel and time with his children Alexis & Charlotte. My future dream is to own property where he can raise a small hobby farm and be self-sufficient.