Olive-Rose Pearson
Hammond Island, Kaurareg People | Kala Lagaw Ya (Bottom Western region)
Air Force Security
Royal Australian Air Force


My name is Olive-Rose and I’m a proud Torres Strait Islander woman from Hammond Island. I grew up in Townsville with my parents and 4 older brothers. I joined the Australian Defence Force in May 2023 and am now posted to Williamtown, NSW. For the last couple of months, I have been in training at RAAF Base Amberley for the Air Force Security (AFSEC) Common Course.

Before joining I was at school and worked part-time as a retail assistant. I was inspired by my brothers to take this pathway because of the travelling, the lifestyle and skills they get from their deployments and exercises. What I’ve learnt so far from being in the Australian Defence Force is that mateship and teamwork are very important. It’s like having another family in a way but at work.

I’m grateful that I have mates who have my back because I know that I have their back as well.