Rangi Clubb
Bundaburra Yidinji /Arrente (Pitinjarra) man
51st Battalion, Far North Queensland Regiment
Regional Force Surveillance Group
Australian Army Reserve
Australian Defence Medal
I am a Bundaburra Yidinji /Arrente (Pitjantjatjara) man Born and bred in a little Tropical rainforest town called the Atherton Tablelands. I am at the 51st Battalion on the Atherton Tablelands. Through the ADF, I saw an opportunity to make a difference to my family and community by joining and becoming a role model for my 3 sons and 3 daughters. My family is my strength I have worked very hard in many different industries and always wanted to pave the way for the next generation.
When I am not serving in the ADF, I am serving my country by protecting the continuance of our cultural heritage and spirituality. This can consist of knowing our song lines, stories and our rock art. I have a duty of care to my Kin on the mainland and off-shore and community to do this. I am also a Director and Cultural Heritage Officer at the Gambir Yidinji Cultural Heritage & Protection Aboriginal Corporation and Co-founder of Gambir Yidinji Fire Practitioners Pty Ltd. I am also involved with the Tinaroo Rural Fire Brigade and work in collaboration with Tablelands Regional Council and the Natural Resource Management (NRM). I do this as really want to integrate traditional fire management practices with modern firefighting and land management strategies. This partnership seeks to leverage each group’s strengths to achieve sustainable and culturally sensitive land management in the Tablelands region.
Life is what you make it. Our people have cared for, protected, and nourished the land. We have always watched over our waters and told stories from the stars within our skies. We are very good navigators across our great lands. I would like to pay my respects to our elders, past, present, and emerging, through sharing their memories, traditions, culture, song, dance and hopes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across our great lands.