Trevor Mark Mays
Nation: Kulin
Mob: Yorta Yorta
Lance Corporal
22nd Engineer Regiment
Royal Australian Engineers
Australian Army

Medals and Awards
Australian Operational Service Medal – Border Protection
Australian Defence Medal
Soldiers Medallion (Exemplary service to the Army)


I was born and raised in Yarra Glen into a loving family comprising of my parents and older sister. Both my parents are from a very large family, particularly my Dad who is the 4th oldest in a family of 14. My Mother’s family comprises of 12 siblings. My father grew up poor, he wasn’t educated and was required to start full time work at the local lime mines in Lilydale at the age of 11 to help support his parents and siblings. My Mother was in the same boat with a few tragedies, one was the loss of her younger brother in a house fire.  Growing up my sister and I where happy, always food on the table and above all we never witnessed any violence within our home, I accredited this to the strength of my parents who sadly did see terrible levels of violence and alcoholism. Growing up, I always felt a bit off canter with who I was, something was missing, it wasn’t until my older years, that puzzle came together with my heritage. Recently I was informed I have an ancestor buried at Coranderrk cemetery in Healesville, so that’s pretty cool.

Whilst growing up outsiders would mention to me that my life would amount to nothing, I must admit I was a bit of a rascal, with a heart of gold. Those words did take their toll on me, even to this day I reflect on those hurtful comments. My mother always had a stern word to me if I ever mentioned this, until one day I said to her, “Mum, it gave me strength and resilience to become the strong confident warrior I am today.”

In the early 1980s, I joined the Australian Defence Force, originally full time, although for the past 10 years I have been serving in the Reserves. Currently I’m semi retired and focus on my Army Reserve work as Indigenous Liaison Officer and performing other activities for 22nd Engineer Regiment. I have also worked doing community services and social work for my local Aboriginal Organisation.

My mother sadly passed from cancer a few years ago after 60 strong years of marriage; my Father remains and still resides in our family home in Yarra Glen. My sister lives in Tasmania, and has 2 adult children and 5 grand kids. Lastly, I have been with my childhood sweetheart for 42 years, we have 3 adult children and 2 grand kids. Looking forward to being fully retired and to enjoy my beautiful native gardens and possibly some overseas travel.