Kelly Hammant
Warrant Officer Class One
Royal Australian Army Ordnance Corps
Australian Army
Iraq and Afghanistan Veteran

Flight Lieutenant
Logistics Officer
Royal Australian Air Force

Medals & Awards
Australian Active Service Medal with clasps Iraq 2003 and ICAT
Afghanistan Medal
Iraq Medal
Australian Operational Service Medal – Border Protection
Australian Operational Service Medal – Greater Middle East (3 tours)
Defence Long Service Medal with 1st and 2nd clasps
Australian Defence Medal
NATO Non-Article 5 Medal with clasp ISAF (2 tours)
Army Combat Badge
Returned from Active Service Badge
Operational Service Badge – Military
Army Commendation – Gold
Australian Defence Force Commendation – Silver


I enlisted into the Australian Regular Army in June 1996 and was allocated to the Royal Australian Army Ordnance Corps. My service over the past 28 years has consisted of postings to various trade roles across a diverse range of Corps, including Aviation, Artillery, Signals, Health Support, Headquarters command elements, Force and Combat Service Support. I have been fortunate to deploy 11 times over my career in support of Australian Defence Operations. My deployments include Operations AusIndo Jaya, Relex, Resolute, Catalyst, Slipper (twice), Highroad, Accordion (four times) and domestically, Operation COVID-19 Assist.  My deployment highlights are deploying as the Operations Sergeant for the Force Level Logistics Asset in Baghdad, as the Logistics Warrant Officer for Shadow Group One in Tarin Kowt, as the Logistics Warrant Officer for the Force Insertion Extraction Group for Task Group Taji, and as the Regimental Quarter Master Sergeant for Force Support Element One and Theatre Communications Group Ten. In May 2023, I decided I needed a change of pace, so I Service transferred and commissioned to the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) as a Logistics Officer. I am posted to the Air Combat Electronic Attack Systems Program Office at RAAF Base Amberley. I graduated with a Master of Logistics Management in 2020 and am currently studying for a Master of Business.
It’s been an interesting time trying to find out who my grandfather was. Sometimes it’s too hard to figure it all out. My grandfather came from Wellington, NSW and has connections with the Wiradjuri people. He served in the Army for a short period, and I continue to strive to find out as much as I can about his background. I reside in Willowbank on my own property with my partner Tracey, and we own and operate several businesses: Iron Traks – a mentoring youth program; Solid Tracks – an Indigenous art business; and an Airbnb. My interests include fitness, rugby league, running, touch football, house building and investing. We are both very passionate about connecting with the community through community engagement activities with the Defence Force and other front-line services such as the Queensland Police Service (QPS) and QLD Fire and Emergency Services (QFES).
We work together for a shared future!