Alterviestar Tabuai
Ayth Koedal Clan (Ayth -Small inland village on Saibai Island and Koedal – Crocodile)
Royal Australian Navy


I joined as a single mother of 2 little girls. The main purpose was to show my kids that you can do anything. I enlisted in 2022. I come from a family of seven children. My father’s name is John Adidi (Jr.), and my mother’s name is Shirley Waia. Both my parents are from Saibai Island: Dad is from the Sui Baidham clan, and Mum is from the Ait Koedal clan. I spent most of my childhood in Lota (Brisbane Bayside). I liked everything about serving: wearing the uniform, marching, making new friends who eventually became family, travelling, and working as a team.