Chris Keyte
Wakka Wakka/Kabi Kabi
Lance Corporal (Retired)
Royal Australian Infantry Corps

Australian Active Service Medal with Somalia Clasp
Australian Defence Medal
Infantry Combat Badge
ACT Emergency Medal
Meritorious Unit Citation – Somalia

I was born in Southport (QLD) and raised in Brisbane. My Dad served in Borneo during the Malayan Emergency, my Uncles in Malaya, and Vietnam… and so joining the Army was always in the back of my mind as a young bloke. I enlisted in the Army on the 12th of June 1990, and was eventually posted to Delta Company 1 RAR in Townsville.

Whilst serving with 1 RAR I completed Reconnaissance, Pioneers, Unarmed Combat and Subject courses for promotion. Always a keen sportsman, I played Rugby Union, Athletics and Touch Football whilst serving.

I served in Somalia in 1993 with Delta Company. Following that deployment, I was promoted and posted to Alpha Company.

Since discharge, I’ve been involved in small business, Corrections, Mining & the Australian Federal Police for many years. I’m now a Project Manager in the Health Services Industry and a proud grandfather.