Christopher Townson
Torres Strait
Corporal (Retired)
Royal Australian Infantry Corps
Australian Army
Somalia Veteran

Australian Active Service Medal with clasp Somalia
Australian Service Medal with clasp SE Asia
National Medal
Australian Defence Medal
Returned from Active Service badge
Infantry Combat Badge
Meritorious Unit Citation – Somalia

I was born in Townsville, one of seven children. My father’s from Saibai Island and his totem is the Cassowary my mother’s from Stephen Island and her totem is the Torres Strait Pigeon.I was an active kid growing up and I enjoyed all contact sports this lifestyle groomed me for my career in the ADF. I enlisted into the ADF in the early 80s and it was go go-go-go from the start I travelled around Australia and the world due to my service, and I enjoyed living on the EDGE. I experienced good times and bad, sad and happy times, friendly and dangerous situations, discriminatory behaviour and made best friends for life.

It has been a privilege and honour to serve in the ADF and I cherish the traits I have taken away from my service I use nowadays in a mentoring role and Elder within my family and community. Nowadays I am actively involved with my mother’s Island in the Torres Strait and I am hopeful to be appointed as a Director of our Corporation which oversees T/O ‘s initiatives and interests of Stephen Island.

Thank you Chris Townson for providing these photographs.

Patrolling on the street of Somalia

During his time in Corrections