Eldean Demmery
Wiradjuri (Dubbo NSW)
Retired Gunner
Royal Australian Artillery
Australian Army

Australian Defence Medal

‘I am Eldean Demmery, a Wiradjuri man. I grew up in Dubbo, NSW. I then moved to Canberra to complete my school studies and was the first in my family to complete year 12.

Before enlisting on 29 January 2013, I participated in the Indigenous Pre-Recruitment Course facilitated by Uncle Col Watego OAM – a program designed to give Indigenous youth the best possible chance to succeed within the Defence Force.

Upon completing my recruitment training at Kapooka, I would head to the School of Artillery in Puckapunyal, Victoria, where I would finish my employment training as an Artillery Operator and be posted to 1 Regiment, 105 Battery.

During my time at 1 Regiment, I was fortunate to be placed in roles where I could help with local outreach programs for at-risk youth in the greater Brisbane area while providing local support when needed. When the chance to become a mentor on the IPRC came up, I was excited to be able to give back and provide the necessary skills for success to those participants should they want to continue into the Defence Force.

I was medically discharged after 4 years and 8 months of service. I continue to work with Indigenous youth in my home community.’
– Eldean Demmery 2023