Scott Mulley
Girramay, Iningai (Yiningayi) and Butchulla peoples with South Sea Islander heritage
Squadron Leader (Retired)
Royal Australian Air Force


Australian Active Service Medal with clasp ICAT
Afghanistan Medal
Australian Service Medal with clasp Timor-Leste
Defence Long Service Medal with 1st,2nd and 3rd clasp
Australian Defence Medal
NATO Non-Article 5 Medal with clasp ISAF
Philippines Military Civic Action Medal
Army Combat Badge
Returned From Active Service Badge


I was born and raised on Girramay Country, in the quiet coastal country town of Cardwell in Far North Queensland.The eldest of two sons, to two loving parents and a very large extended family, I had an amazing childhood filled with fun, love and adventure. Being a small country town with limited opportunities and filled with a strong desire to explore and see what’s around the corner, I quit school and left town at 17 to join the Air Force in 1990 as an Air Surveillance Operator.

I completed my initial employment training in early 1991 and was posted to the No.2 Control and Reporting Unit (2CRU) in Darwin to begin my career. After 18 months at 2CRU, I was posted to Operation Support Squadron Townsville where I was employed as a Flight Planning Officer and my love and enthusiasm for Air Traffic Control began.

In July 1995, I was posted No.114 Mobile Control and Reporting Unit (114MCRU) Amberley on promotion to Corporal. I remained at the unit until 2001 experiencing both unit moves to Tindal and Darwin and was promoted to Sergeant in 1998.

In 2001, I was commissioned to Pilot Officer and graduated from No 136 Basic Air Traffic Control Course in late 2002. I was posted to 44 Wing Detachment Townsville and progressed quickly through my training and achieved an Approach Supervisors rating in June 2005. A remarkable achievement (at the time) for someone considered junior in rank and experience.

In March 2006 I was deployed as 2IC of the 44 Wing Mobile Air Operations Team’s deployment to Innisfail in support of Operation Larry Assist to provide Air Traffic Control services. I received a Commander Surveillance and Response Group Commendation for my efforts during the Cyclone Larry cleanup operation. Later that year I deployed to Timor Leste’ as part of the Mobile Air Operation Team on Operation Astute. Where we again provided Air Traffic Control services and assisted the local Timorese controllers with further training.

In 2007, I was posted to  44 Wing Detachment Pearce and later that year posted to the School of Air Traffic Control in East Sale as an Instructor. On completion of the Instructor Course, I was selected to assist in the implementation of the newly acquired MaxSIM Tower Visual Simulator. After managing the project through acceptance, I continued my work in the field of simulation and was instrumental in the development of the new curriculum and training processes for the Air Traffic Control Course.

In 2011, I was selected to deploy to Afghanistan as part of Combined Team Uruzgan in support of Operation Slipper. I served six months in Tarin Kowt as 2IC of the Airspace Control Element and Tactical Air Control Party. It was the experience of a lifetime and remains the highlight of my career so far.

On return to Australia in 2012, I was posted to 452 Squadron Tindal as the Operations Commander as a Squadron Leader and later that year was granted sub-unit command as the Senior Air Traffic Control Officer / Flight Commander.  In 2014 I was posted to 452 Squadron Amberley as the Training Commander, to build a modern and improved training system. In late 2016 I was posted to Headquarters Surveillance and Response Group as the safety and Airworthiness coordinator and remained in the position until discharge in December 2020.

I have enjoyed my career in the Air Force immensely. It has provided so many opportunities and immeasurable experiences for me. My service has enabled me to meet some incredible people and assist in helping many, many others. The military has helped me meet my wife, Katrina, raise my beautiful kids, Chynna Blu, Ethan and Banjo and live a very happy and comfortable lifestyle.

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