Shane Collins ‘Shano’
Wiradjuri, Tubbi-Gah
Pilot Officer
Royal Australian Air Force

Australian Defence Medal


I grew up on the Central Coast of NSW in the small town of Lake Munmorah on Darkinjung land. This is where I completed my education at the nearby primary and high schools. After completing my School Certificate, I started an automotive spray-painting apprenticeship. Working on cars was a long-wanted career as I enjoyed painting and drawing when I was younger. When I was 19, I learned of my Aboriginal heritage when my mum, dad, and I sat around the TV watching a documentary on Aboriginal culture.  Mum turned and looked over and said, “We’re Aboriginal.” I didn’t know what to say, but it made sense from the comments I received from teachers, people I worked with, and TAFE staff asking about my background or where my mob was from and not knowing what they meant. It was exciting, though, as it would start my journey to discover my Aboriginal heritage. At this time, I was also eager to join the military, following my dad’s, grandfather’s (Ex-RAN), and my great-grandfather’s (Ex-Army) footsteps. However, I didn’t want to go to sea and didn’t want to join the Army, so I opted to join the RAAF instead. After three long years and multiple interviews at Defence Force Recruiting in Newcastle, I was accepted into the RAAF as an Aircraft Surface Finisher (Spray Painter) on the 28th of February 2012 at the age of 24.

I spent the next ten weeks at the No.1 Recruit Training Unit at RAAF Base Wagga before posting to my Initial Employment Training (IET) at 75SSQN RAAF Base Tindal in May 2012, and spent the next two years at my only fast jet posting working on FA-18 Classic Hornets, I posted to 92WG at RAAF Edinburgh in January 2015 and was there until 2021 and worked on multiple platforms, such as, AP-3C Orion, PC-9 Roulettes and P8-A Poseidon. My last posting as an Aircraft Surface Finisher finished at 35SQN, RAAF Base Amberley, from February 2021 to April 2023. In April 2023, I commissioned to start my journey as a junior officer to become a Personnel Capability Officer. I started my Business Degree at the Australian Defence Force Academy in the ACT in January 2024 with the ambition to become a Personnel Capability Officer after my three-year degree.

During my career, it wasn’t always happy memories. I experienced discrimination and racism when identifying as Aboriginal. I was often referred as being “too white to be Aboriginal” and “You’d only be identifying to receive benefits or receive special treatment.”  However, I received amazing support from my peers and the Indigenous community, and the chain of command from my postings to attend cultural events and short courses to engage and be proud of my culture. Without this support, I wouldn’t have met the many brothers and sisters, Aunties, and Uncles of the lands where I spent most of my postings and became a part of the Defence Indigenous Community. Within the Defence Indigenous community, I was welcomed with open arms, with no discrimination, no racism, just brothers and sisters in the same position and want to listen and share our stories and experiences with them.