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Tramaine Dukes
Marra Mob
Flight Lieutenant
Indigenous Liaison Officer
Royal Australian Air Force

Australian Defence Medal
US Army Achievement Medal
ADF Bronze Commendation


My name is Tramaine Dukes, and I stand tall on the shoulders of my ancestors, drawing strength from my rich heritage of Burmese, German, Aboriginal, and Australian descent. Each thread of my ancestry has shaped my journey, allowing me the privilege of reconnecting with my roots and honouring the sacrifices made by those who came before me.

In 2000, I travelled to Myanmar, immersing myself in the jungle to meet long-lost family members. In 2012, I journeyed to Germany to embrace my Opa’s (Grandfather’s) heritage, connecting with family and understanding the resilience they carried through war. Then, in 2024, I finally returned to my Aboriginal roots, reuniting with my Abunji’s (Nana’s) country and discovering a vast network of Aunties, Uncles, and cousins I never knew I had. These experiences, knowing where I’ve come from, and knowing the selfless acts of my family for me to be here today have been very humbling and have helped me become the person I am today. I will never forget the smiling faces, the incredible stories and the warm hospitality shown to me by my beautiful family.

As a proud Marra woman from Ngukurr in southern Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, I carry with me the legacy of my Abunji, a member of the Stolen Generation. Taken from her home at the age of seven, she was raised in missions across Australia, from Alice Springs to New South Wales, where she built a life for herself and her family. My Burmese grandmother and German Opa fled their war-torn homelands as teenagers, migrating to Perth. My Poppy, several generations Australian, laid deep roots in New South Wales. These stories of survival and resilience have grounded me, instilling a deep appreciation for the history that brought me here.

In 2019, I joined the Royal Australian Air Force as the inaugural Indigenous Liaison Officer for Western Australia. I completed Officer Training in May 2020, graduating during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic without the traditional celebrations. Since then, I’ve been honoured to lead Joint Task Unit 629.6 during Operation COVID-19, conducted Indigenous Youth Programs, and established the first Welcome to Country and smoking ceremony for No. 2 Flight Training School’s graduation parade—now a loved tradition of RAAF Base Pearce.

In 2023, I became the first Indigenous Liaison Officer deployed on a humanitarian mission during the devastating floods in Fitzroy Crossing, WA. For my efforts, I was awarded an ADF Bronze Commendation. I have collaborated with numerous defence units, including 13 Brigade, SAS Regiment, Space Command, US Army, US Air Force, Royal Singaporean Air Force, The Pilbara Regiment and NORFORCE, strengthening ties between the ADF and Aboriginal communities across Western Australia. I’m excited to see where my future service will take me.