Brett Leddy
Royal Australian Air Force

Medals and awards
Australian Active Service Medal with clasp ICAT
Afghanistan Medal
Australian Operational Service Medal – Greater Middle East Operation (2 tours)
Australian Defence Medal
NATO Non-Article 5 Medal with clasp ISAF
Defence Long Service Medal
Air Force Ground Combat Badge


I grew up in Batemans Bay, NSW, a small coastal town which has a big Yuin Mob, not that it mattered; they welcomed everyone. But I felt conflicted inside because I have blue eyes, red/blonde hair and freckled skin.  I didn’t look like how people think an Aboriginal person should look like. My non-Aboriginal classmates would say, ‘You’re not Aboriginal, you’re whiter than I am’, and my Indigenous mates would call me gubba (white) or gubbarigine (the white aboriginal).  They say, ‘Kids will be kids’, and that they say these things out of ignorance, not hate. Most importantly, I survived this with the support of my Elders, who always told me that I belonged.  My two brothers, five sisters, and our cousins are all like me. We know our heritage and how connected we should feel between these groups and the land.  We all have a strong connection to the Australian Defence Force. My elder brother joined the Army to become a Carpenter, next was my twin, who joined the Army as a Signaller; then myself as an Airfield Defence Guard (then later a Medical Technician); next, one of my younger sisters as an Army Supplier and then lastly, my younger brother as an Air Force Loadmaster. I think that was the way my siblings and I decided we could best give back to our nation. Since joining, I have served overseas on Operation Slipper in Afghanistan, on Operation Accordion in the United Arab Emirates, and in Australia on Operation Covid-19 Assist. I’ve been based on RAAF bases in Wagga Wagga, Amberley, Edinburgh, and at the Army’s Latchford Barracks. Thanks to my career, I’ve driven and flown all across Australia and seen over a dozen countries. I wouldn’t change my decision to serve as my experiences have led me to my life today, happily married for three years to my wife, who also serves as a Medical Technician and a career that always challenges and excites me.
I’ve never been big on ‘representing’ or ‘big-noting’ my First Nations heritage, as I feel our youth might not relate to my physicality as best as others can. I’m just one of our Mob doing their part to serve on behalf of our community, and that still doesn’t prevent me from feeling my connection to Country, learning about culture and sharing with others when asked. When asked to have my image displayed and story told as part of ‘Serving Country’, I knew this was the way I could show my love and support to my First Nations brothers and sisters who’ve served our great nation in a proud manner. I hope to serve for many years yet to come. I hope you enjoyed my story.