C.B. McGarrity
Biripi Dunghutti
Royal Australian Corps of Military Police
Served in: 1 RTB, 1RAR, 3RAR, 5/7 RAR, 1 MP & SOCOM
Somalia Veteran

Australian Active Service Medal with clasp Somalia
National Police Service Medal with 2nd clasp
Defence Long Service Medal
National Medal with 2nd clasp
Australian Defence Medal
Returned from Active Service Badge
Infantry Combat Badge
Meritorious Unit Citation – Somalia

Chief of Army Certificate of Commendation – Somalia 1992-95 (UNTAF/UNSOM I & II – 1 RAR Contingent Group)
Ethical & Diligent Service Good Conduct Medal with 2nd clasp
Olympics 2000 Special Operations Unit Citations
Signatory to the Commonwealth DVA & PM&C sponsored ‘Veteran’s Employment Covenant’
National Defence Industry & Capability SME: Indigenous Leader of Year Award: Successive Finalist for ’21,’22, ’23 & ’24


I am a proud Biripi and Dunghutti man with a strong connection to Country. From a tough start in life, I’ve built a long career serving the community and country in the Australian Defence Force, NSW Police, and not-for-profit and Indigenous community engagement sectors. I have received invaluable care, guidance and support from close mates, Elders and guardians who took me in and helped shape the man I am today. For that, I will be forever grateful.

My formative years were traumatic. My siblings and I were removed from our home and placed in State care. However, my Godmother, who was a wise lady from a military family on the land, had close relationships with Indigenous communities. She saw to our welfare and made sure we knew where we came from and learned culture and lore from Elders. As a child, I suffered from multiple medical conditions and spent a lot of time in and out of hospital. My Godmother ensured I had the treatment I needed and played sports to build me up. She helped put the pieces back together. Her influence also led me to choose my path in life.

The job of a soldier is a tough gig and not for everyone. But, as my Godmother used to say, ‘You’re gonna either be a man or a mouse.’ So for me, the choice was easy. On 9 April 1991, I enlisted in the Australian Regular Army and, after training, was posted to the 1st Battalion Royal Australian Regiment as a rifleman, platoon medic and signaller. In January 1993, our 1 RAR Battalion group was deployed on Operation Solace, the United Nations effort to protect humanitarian relief efforts in Somalia. We completed our mission successfully in May 1993 and were awarded a Meritorious Unit Citation for sustained outstanding service in warlike conditions. After returning from Somalia, I had further infantry postings to 3 RAR and 5/7 RAR before becoming increasingly involved in parallel service in the NSW Police Force, including inter-agency liaison, criminal investigations, counterterrorism and dignitary protection. In October 1999, I Corps transferred to the Royal Australian Corps of Military Police as an active Reservist, a role in which I continue to serve proudly today. As an MP, I have performed in many roles, including Diplomatic Protection, Special Operations Training and Education, and Regional Indigenous Liaison Officer.

In addition to my military duties, I am Co-Director and Co-founder of several community organisations: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Veteran’s Association (ATSIVA), Angel Feather Foundation Inc., a registered Charity supporting children with terminal or life-threatening illnesses, and Bullroarers (Aust), an Indigenous and veteran-owned company providing community, cultural engagement, and specialist services.

I gained life-long friends in the Army, and my experiences there helped shape me. I learned in the Army that there’s no room for mice. I learned that I can’t just turn up; I have to speak up whenever and wherever it’s needed. I am unashamedly patriotic for this country and for Country and an advocate for my people. As a proud Aboriginal man, I believe, ‘There’s nothing as sovereign as being Indigenous’, words which profoundly resonate with me.

My advice to young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders is that no one can tell you who you are supposed to be; you have to back yourself. Listen and learn; show thankfulness, empathy, and respect. Above all, don’t be afraid to break track. Strike out on a new course, be bold and brave, and dare to go where others fear to tread.


NSW Police Force Individual & Unit (Specialist Operations) Awards
*Meritorious Unit Citations – (multiple)
OSG-Operations Support Group: Unit & Individual Team Member Commendations (multiple)
TAG-Target Action Group Unit & Individual Team Member Commendations (multiple)
Strike Force Group Unit & Individual Team Member Commendations (multiple)
*Professional Standards & Protocol Unit Citations (multiple)
Local Area Command (District & Regional) Commissioner of Police & Assistant Commissioner-Regional Commanders Awards: [Individual Outstanding Service, Bravery, Good Conduct & External Agency Recognition Awards] Recipient of Certificates of Merit & Letters of Commendation (multiple)

Community & Volunteer Awards
*Young Champions Awards – Business Chamber Member & Volunteer Community Organisations: Major Category Sponsor & Contributor’s Award (x3) Macarthur Region NSW
‘Indigenous Defence Leader of the Year – Finalist: Start-up of the Year 2020/21 [AUS-WIDE Recognition]: Defence Industry & Sovereign Capability (SME) *Peer Nominated Awards sponsored by Dept. of Defence & ‘Defence Connect’ Alumni members.
Finalist: Start-up of the Year 2020/21 [AUS-WIDE Recognition]: Defence Industry & Sovereign Capability (SME) *Peer Nominated Awards sponsored by Dept. of Defence & ‘Defence Connect’ Alumni members.
Finalist 2014: Not for Profit & Volunteer Groups: ‘Community Spirit’ Not for Profit Industry & Public Support Sector Awards (Ch7 Media) *Co-Director & Public Officer @ Angel Feather Foundation Inc.Finalist: Senior Coach of the Year; 2016, 2017 & 2018