Jonathan Captain-Webb
Dunghutti and Gomeroi
2nd/17th Battalion, Royal New South Wales Regiment
Royal Australian Infantry Corps
Australian Army Reserve

Medals and Awards
Awarded Most Outstanding Soldier at 1RTB (Kapooka)

I am a Gomeroi and Dunghutti man from the Redfern/Water Aboriginal community in Sydney. In my youth, I was told by many possessed boundless potential, yet lacked the discipline and drive to fully realise it. However, the Army became my crucible, shaping me into a soldier and a rifleman in the Royal Australian Infantry Corps. Joining in 2011, I was profoundly humbled to be recognised as Most Outstanding Soldier during training at 1RTB (Recruit Training Battalion), Kapooka.

Inspired by my grandfather, a World War II gunner stationed at Nelson Bay, New South Wales, I resolved to tread in his footsteps. Despite the era’s prejudices, he served valiantly, his contributions often overlooked. The Army instilled in me invaluable skills—time management, discipline, and the art of balancing myriad responsibilities. These proved indispensable as I simultaneously pursued a law degree at the University of New South Wales whilst raising a young family.

Today, I proudly stand as a husband to Danielle and father to five beautiful children, holding dual degrees in Law and Arts. My journey has been guided by a fervent dedication to fostering sustainable relationships and effecting positive change within Aboriginal communities. With firsthand experience navigating their intricate social fabric, I’ve championed policies and programs aimed at enhancing their well-being and prosperity.

I am currently a senior executive working in Aboriginal Affairs, my mission revolves around crafting culturally sensitive initiatives that authentically uplift Aboriginal communities across New South Wales. This vision has taken me to many places and across borders, I serve as a Global Atlantic Fellow for Social Equity, a part of an international network of change makers to driving social, economic, health, and racial  justice across the globe.

In essence, my journey epitomises a fusion of heritage, resilience, and relentless pursuit of equity—a testament to the enduring spirit of Aboriginal service members in the Australian Military