Ken Nelliman
Murray (Mer) and Badu Islands, Torres Strait Islands
Warrant Officer Class One
Royal Australian Armoured Corps

Australian Active Service Medal with clasps Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia & Malaysia
Afghanistan Medal
Iraq Medal
Defence Long Service Medal with 3 clasps
Australian Defence Medal
NATO non-Article 5 Medal with clasp ISAF
Army Combat Badge
Meritorious Unit Citation – Somalia

I am a proud descendant of the Torres Straits Islands with my mother being from Murray Island in the east, and my father from Badu Island located in the western island groups. I was born, raised and educated in Townsville until commencing a public service traineeship in Brisbane. I enlisted into the Australian Army in January 1987 and upon completion of my recruit training was allocated into the Royal Australian Armoured Corps as a driver signaller. Throughout my 28 years of service within the Australian Army, I have served in many regimental and non-regimental postings. I have occupied many positions in rank from Trooper to Warrant Officer Class Two within Armoured regiments which include 2nd/14th Light Horse Regiment, B Squadron 3rd/4th Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Cavalry Regiment and the School of Armour in either the regimental or instructional role respectively.

My non-corps postings include the 1st Recruit Training Battalion as Recruit Instructor and the Combat Training Centre in both the Observer Trainer and Operations Warrant Officer positions. My operational deployments include OP Solace in Somalia 1992 with B Squadron 3rd/4th Cavalry Regiment, which formed as a part of the 1st Battalion Group as an armoured crew commander. My next two deployments were both as a Squadron Sergeant Major with Over-watch Battlegroup West – Two in Southern Iraq on OP Catalyst in 2006 and later in 2008 during OP Slipper in Tarin Kowt, Afghanistan. In January 2014, I was posted into Defence Force Recruiting as the Team Leader for Specialist Recruitment Team – Indigenous where I currently serve now. This team was established to raise and promote the awareness of careers within the Australian Defence Force and mentoring young indigenous men and women through the recruiting process which has been successful since its inception. I enjoy all sports, in particular both Rugby League and Rugby Union. I am currently the team manager for both the Australian Defence Force and Australian Army Indigenous Rugby League Teams.